See a Movie, Help a Rescue Dog
By a Front Row Features Staff Reporter “Rescue Dogs” is the heartwarming story of Tracy and his rescue dog Charger who have to foil the plans of an evil businessman with designs on their beach restaurant, which he plans to knock down in order to build a golf course. With help from his brother, Tr [...]
Gian Barbarona Picks and Predictions for 2016 Oscars
By GIAN BARBARONA Front Row Features HOLLYWOOD—In just a few hours, the 88th Academy Awards will conclude awards season recognition of some of the remarkable achievements film has had in 2015. Despite contest and controversy, this year’s crop of nominees has been one of the best. Distinct a [...]
Sigourney Weaver Guest Stars on ‘Doc Martin’
By ANGELA DAWSON Front Row Features Sigourney Weaver guest stars on the British dramedy “Doc Martin.” The film icon and award-winning actress (“Avatar,” the “Alien” movies) plays an American tourist who visits the sleepy seaside community of Portwenn where she  [...]