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(Left to right) Zachary Quinto is Spock and Chris Pine is Kirk in “STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS.” ©Paramount Pictures. CR: Zade Rosenthal.

(Left to right) Zoe Saldana is Uhura and Zachary Quinto is Spock in “STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS.” ©Paramount Pictures. CR: Zade Rosenthal.

(Left to right) Zachary Quinto is Spock, Benedict Cumberbatch is John Harrison, and Chris Pine is Kirk in “STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS.” ©Paramount Pictures. CR: Zade Rosenthal.

(Front, left to right) Anton Yelchin is Chekov, Chris Pine is Kirk and John Cho is Sulu in “STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS.” ©Paramount Pictures. CR: Zade Rosenthal.