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Stars Talk on ‘Meatballs’ Sequel
By ANGELA DAWSON Front Row Features HOLLYWOOD—A second helping of “Meatballs” is in the forecast. “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2,” the long-awaited sequel to the 2009 Sony Pictures Animation comedy hit, is predicted to make landfall September 27. Returning to the table is Bill Hader, recent [...]
‘Kick-Ass 2’ Makes Heroes Comic
(***NOTE TO EDITORS: There is a character called Night Bitch that is mentioned twice in this article. You may want to asterisk it. Also, the title of the movie itself has the word ass in it.***) By JAMES DAWSON Front Row Features Film Critic More fun than the dreadful “Iron Man 3,” th [...]
Oprah Winfrey Talks on ‘The Butler’
By ANGELA DAWSON Front Row Features NEW YORK—It’s been 15 years since media titan Oprah Winfrey starred in a film. She was nominated for a NAACP award for her performance in “Beloved,” a post-Civil War drama in which she played an ex-slave determined to make a better life for her children. Since  [...]